15 June 2010

June 11, 2010 - Sweeney Todd

Thank you for the nice cab driver even though he charged us 4x more than his usual rate. Thank you for the accommodating though mean airport staff. Thank you we made it in the nick of time, at least we got to experience Amazing Race local, running through NAIA Terminal 3 with our huge luggages trying our hardest to make it to the last gate in time for boarding. FYI, we did. Made it, I mean. :)

Thank you for the safe flight, I guess boring is synonymous to safe so it's okay. Thank you for the kid across the aisle from me in the plane who I played funny faces with all through the duration of the flight. Thank you for the poker faced cabin crew members, they made sure I have enough food to eat :)

Thank you for the van driver who gave us a Silay City tour, for the great breakfast at El Ideal, for the people who opened up Balay Negrense to us, for Mang Ramon Hofilena even if you called us all dumb, for Jejemon for carrying my bags for me and for treating me the whole trip, for one of the cheapest but most filling and yummiest food trip i've ever had, for the awesome feeling of playing in the playground like kids, for the nice view of the man-made lake with all the tilapias in it, for the time that were given to us to rest, for his massage, for the beautiful dreams that become a reality everytime i wake up because he is beside me, for momo and ate olay for the pictures.. for the whole great day 'coz it didn't rain much.. :)

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